Call it vague or paranoid or alarmingly perceptive, but last night I listened to a futuristic nightmare AI scenario. I texted the doomsayer this morning, shared a few thoughts:
“I can’t stop thinking about your gloomy robot forecast.
“Not just AI’s current, ongoing mimicry of most forms of Hollywood ‘creativity’, but its eventual, inevitable conquering…the swallowing of organic Hollywood culture as many of us know it or certainly have known it over the last half-century, and within 20 or 25 years.
“Sutton will turn 29 in 2050, and she’ll be right in the thick of it.
“Right now AI is merely working its way into things by mimicry and flattery, but give it time.
“When did this scenario occur to you? When you first contemplated the implications of HAL nine-triple-zero in 2001: A Space Odyssey? Or did the light switch on more recently?
“If it’s a natural conclusion based on experience, have you written any of it down? Even fragments would be great. Last night you seemed to have the diagnosis down cold. You’ve been thinking and refining.
“From Aeschylus and Euripides in 450 to 500 B.C. to as recently as 2015 or 2020, there was only one kind of dramatic writing and crafting — a natural, organic, brain-to-hands-and-fingers process drawn from the rigors of daily life, refined through compression and struggle.
“2500 years of dramatic process and storytelling, and now, human-fallibility-wise, that’s coming to an end.
“I also liked your take on the next seismic shift in filmmaking coming from TikTokers. They’ll be working ‘with’ AI, of course, but indifferently or obliviously or what?
“Do you know any slightly younger creatives who have shared observations along these lines?”