…Harris Dickinson. Why? He’s got cold eyes — the eyes of a guy who could put a couple of silencer bullets into an adversary’s chest without blinking. Plus he’s authentically British. Plus he’ll be 29 in June and 30 or 31 when (and if) the next Bond film finally gets around to shooting…exactly the right age.
Daily Mail‘s Jonathan Dean is dismissing Dickinson because Sam Mendes has apparently locked him down as John Lennon for the next two or three years.
HE to Dickinson: Drop out of Mendes’ Beatles project immediately as it will be a disaster (certainly in my eyes) due to the most poorly calculated ensemble casting in the history of commercial cinema — the utterly reprehensible, quickly-downspiraling Paul Mescal as Paul McCartney, the completely loathsome, warlock-eyed Barry Koehgan as Ringo Starr, and the geeky-looking, ginger-haired Joseph Quinn as George Harrison. Ridiculous!
Save yourself, Dickinson!…save yourself from a chain-linked anvil of a movie that will wrap itself around your neck and drag you down for years.