Terrence Malick: It’ll come out after I’ve tossed the lettuce leaves into the air for a period of 12 to 18 months, and after I’ve taken my shoes and socks off and sat in the lotus position and meditated it through and through, and then once it starts to take shape and we’ve shown it to distributors and freaked them out…then and only then will we start talking to film festival programmers. Figure two years from now.

Terrence Malick, Christian Bale during the filming of Knight of Cups.

Christian Bale: What about the other one?

Malick: Lawless. What about it?

Bale: You’re supposed to deliver that one first, right? Your process takes 18 months to two years on that so where does that leave Knight of Cups? Will we be out by 2015? 2016?

Malick: I have a process, Christian. You knew that when we agreed to make this film together.

Bale: Yeah, you have a process, all right. I just don’t want to look significantly older in real life when it comes out. I don’t want people saying, “Wow, when was this made? Bale looks two or three years younger.”