…coming from someone who feels that identity issues are truly annoying distractions, primarily in terms of Oscar campaigning but also, particularly right now, in the political arena.
But despite certain misgivings about Kamala Harris and despite my anger about droolin’ Joe Biden having robbed Democrats of an opportunity to choose a presidential candidate through a primary system, it hit me yesterday that the idea of this country electing, for the first time in history, not only a woman but one with an African-Jamaican and Indian heritage to serve as U.S. President…I think that this kind of historic decision will be a truly excellent thing from a certain metaphorical vantage point.
And so I hope it happens. It’ll be good for the country’s spirit and soul. The Harris candidacy is more or less on the same historical footing as Barack Obama‘s in ’08, Bill Clinton‘s in ’92 and JFK‘S in ’60.
In short and not because this “means” anything in particular (even though it sorta kinda does), Hollywood Elsewhere endorses Kamala Harris for the presidency. Not without qualms or doubts or trepidations but what the hell…in for a penny, in for a pound. Make it happen, make it real, push it through.