Three or four weeks after 9/11, Oliver Stone said during a New York Film Festival panel discussion that he’d “like to do a movie on terrorism…it would be like The Battle of Algiers…perhaps it’s an old formula, but if it were done realistically it could be a fascinating procedural.”

“You would see the Arab side,” Stone continued, “and you’d see the American side, and [if it’s done right] people will respond and they will go. I don’t buy this thing that everybody just wants to see Zoolander .” And now, some four years and eight months later, this still from Stone’s forthcoming World Trade Center (Paramount, 8.9) has hit the web and…well, what else is there to think? Obviously Stone still thinks of Ben Stiller‘s fashion-industry parody (which I half-liked as a film and really liked as a script) as an emblem of something puerile.