Yesterday I was sent a 2006 draft of Jay Cocks‘ screenplay of Silence, which is based upon the novel of the same name by Shusaku Endo. The script is 111 pages, which indicates something close to a two-hour film. Director Martin Scorsese has been editing his movie of Silence, which is due for release sometime later this year via Paramount. And yet I heard the other day that a recent cut ran about three hours, and that Scorsese is trying to whittle it down. (Variety‘s Kris Tapley has tweeted it runs 195 minutes.)

A New York journalist confides that a guy he knows claims to have attended a recent Silence research screening. The guy felt disappointed that Liam Neeson, portraying Father Cristovao Ferreira, doesn’t have very much screen time (he probably wanted Neeson to draw a samurai sword and deliver a little whoop-ass), and that the whole thing is pretty much on Andrew Garfield‘s shoulders, and that Garfield, the guy said, is too wimpy and whiny. That’s not my idea of an intelligent observation. Garfield’s character, Father Sebastiao Rodrigues, isn’t supposed to be Dwayne Johnson in Fast 8. He’s supposed to be a wimpy, whiny Jesuit priest facing violent persecution at the hands of militants in 17th Century Japan.