Yesterday afternoon Los Angeles attorney Eric Spiegelman posted a time-lapse video — 90 minutes compressed into 24 seconds — of the enormous smoke clouds over the 818 and 626 areas over the San Gabriel mountains and near the La Canada, Flintridge, La Cescenta and Altadena areas. Indiewire’s Anne Thompson and L.A. Observed posted it last night. I’m just tagging along — a day late and a dollar short.
A horrendous flame monster threatening to eat your home is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone, and I’m genuinely sorry for anyone out there who’s caught a bad break. Roughly 20,000 acres have been burned so far but apparently not that many homes. Yet. I’ve never experienced anything like this but I’m sure it’s horrific. I wouldn’t wish a fire trauma of any kind on anyone. Not even Glenn Beck .
Chris Gore‘s video doesn’t compare to Spiegelman’s, but he scored verbally by saying “the whole thing’s on fire…this is like a Godzilla movie.” I wonder if he shot this with an iPhone video camera? Probably, I’m guessing, because he didn’t zoom in.