Tropicana Ave. west of Las Vegas Blvd. — Saturday, 6.10.06, 8:50 pm.

(a) Favor costar Isidra Vega, director-writer Eva Aridjis following Saturday afternoon’s screening at Brenden Cinemas adjacent to Palms Hotel — Saturday, 6.10.06, 5:40 pm; (b) Puffy Chair principals Jay Duplass (director-writer-cinematographer), Kathryn Asleton (star), Melissa Parmenter (producer)– Friday, 6.9.06, 7:40 pm; (c) former Sundance publicity chief Patrick Hubley, a nice guy who got married last year and travelled all over the world and seems on some level to have “changed” (in a good existential way); (d) Thanks to Gravity trio Jessica Kavana (director), Amy Greenspun (producer) and Gina Phillips (star-producer); (e) Frontier Hotel marquee on Las Vegas Blvd. — Saturday, 6.10.06, 7:20 pm; (f) One of the big things wrong with Las Vegas is that nobody takes the time to just stop gambling or drinking or chasing girls and and look at desert plants and rocks like this combo — Saturday, 6.10.06, 6:25 pm; (g) Las Vegas firefighting station — Saturday, 6.10.06, 6:40 pm; (h) slots inside the Palms — Saturday, 6.10.06, 6:40 pm; (i) self-explanatory.