For a change, I’m in complete accord with the tweedly-deedly Dave Kehr over his enthusiasm for Blake EdwardsWhat Did You Do in the War, Daddy? (1966), which is out today on DVD.

Or rather, my memory of this World War II farce, having seen it many eons ago, is in accord with what Kehr wrote today in his N.Y. Times DVD column. I remember it being hugely funny, but you have to careful with Edwards (who is one of the slickest and coarsest auteur-level directors of all time) and you really can’t trust your memory. I will therefore see it this evening and render a verdict down the road.
I remember clearly that Harry Morgan, Jr.’s Major Pott character is a hoot. He somehow gets lost in a network of caves and tunnels under the small Italian town where the story takes place, and the loneliness and confusion slowly turn him into a babbling loon. I remember one of his final lines: “White man speak with forked tongue!”