This morning’s Oscar nom thread included a hilarious debate between manwe sulimo and cinefan35 about who stole Jennifer Lopez‘s Best Supporting Actress nomination for Hustlers. The “this is JLo’s seminal moment” and “she has to be nominated for what is obviously her best performance”…all of it started with the first Toronto Film Festival screening of Hustlers and moved on from there.

This morning’s JLo shutout was akin to a classic Ford Mustang cruising at 70mph and suddenly slamming into a concrete barrier on an elevated highway…crushed metal, people turning away in horror, gasoline puddles, ambulance attendants, etc.

cinefan35: “It looks like J.Lo got pushed out of the field by Margot Robbie, which is utterly ridiculous. I like Robbie and think she is talented but she played such a non-character in Bombshell.” HE interjection: Agreed.

manwe sulimo: “LOL, how the fuck did Robbie, who was always a lock (hit all precursors), push JLo out? It was Kathy Bates [who delivered the elbow].”

cinefan35: “You’re probably right [but] it might have been ScarJo who pushed her out.”

manwe sulimo: “JLo was pushed out of BAFTA by Pugh or Robbie for OUATIH. She was nominated with Johansson for SAG and with Bates for GG. So by elimination, Dern and Robbie were locked so they didn’t hurt JLo. Johansson had her spot thanks to SAG + BAFTA so she didn’t push her out either. That leaves Bates and Pugh. Since JLo was a lock for BAFTA snub and Pugh a lock for BAFTA nom, it isn’t Pugh because Brits saved her a place. It’s Bates who replaced Robbie for OUATIH.”

HE summary: Bates did it!”