As a father and a human being, I feel great sadness about the tragedy that enveloped poor Zack Snyder and his family three years ago. But as a rule, Hollywood Elsewhere has hated Snyder’s films and especially his superhero bullshit for a long, long time. That’s just the way it is.
Snyder isn’t exactly Satan, but I’ve long regarded him as a high-style scourge of 21st Century cinema. I was half taken with Watchmen, okay, but otherwise you can shitcan and forget Dawn of the Dead, 300, Sucker Punch, Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Justice League, etc.
But I’m currently intrigued as to why a just-released teaser of the Snyder Cut, his unreleased version of Justice League, which Snyder abandoned following said personal tragedy, is presented in a 1.37:1 aspect ratio.
The 34-second teaser focuses on Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman as she comes across some kinds of bullshit artifact in a torch-illuminated cave, blah blah. Before the clip cuts to the formidably evil Darkseid, Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor says something like “the bell’s already been rung, and they’ve heard it…out in the dark among the stars…ding dong, the god is dead.”
Or whatever. Who cares? The Snyderverse is a hellish place to contemplate, much less visit.