To hide the possible fact that…what exactly? That she was a lesbian? So what? Who cares?

Friendo: “The problem with DEI isn’t that people get jobs because of it — it’s that people are too afraid to be honest with those they want to elevate.

“Women directors are graded on a curve, as are Black directors. This is because people want to be encouraging…they want the story to have a happy ending. But the problem is that in the end it ends up becoming more detrimental if you put someone in a job they’re not ready for or not innately good at (like Kamala Harris).

“Qualifications are one thing but the question is, could Cpt. Rebecca Lobach fly that helicopter like a champ or not? Choppers crash from time to time, but how often do they crash into other planes and kill everyone on board? I don’t know the answer to that. I do know that we have to be able to talk about who can do the the job and who can’t without worrying about being called a racist or a bigot.

“Helicopters crash every so often but they don’t crash into moving planes so the basic appearance is that Lobach was not a person who was skilled enough to handle that flight…what other conclusion could there be? That she was skilled enough? Then why that awful collision?”