[Previously posted on 2.9.18] So let’s imagine Rod Lurie conferring with the ailing John Frankenheimer sometime in early or mid ’02, except Lurie isn’t Lurie — he’s me. Speaking with my attitude, my philosophy, my sense of things.
Let’s also include the fact that Hollywood Elsewhere harbors no ill feelings about the legendary Val Kilmer. I helped report that “Psycho Kilmer” Entertainment Weekly article that ran in mid ’96, but I had a nice chat with him at a party he threw at his home back in ’04 or thereabouts. I ran into a friendly Kilmer again in the fall of ’11 while having lunch with Descendants costar Judy Greer.
Frankenheimer: I want you to promise me one thing, Rod. I may not be around much longer, but I want to know that you’ll never, ever work with that prick. Please.
Lurie: Uh-huh.
Frankenheimer: Will you promise me this?
Lurie: No Kilmer?
Frankenheimer: I want your word.
Lurie: For what…the rest of my life?
Frankenheimer: We’re friends and I want you to promise me this.
Lurie: Look, John, I love you like a father and I’m sorry for what you went through, but you can’t…
Frankenheimer: What?
Lurie: You know as well as anyone that we all…
Frankenheimer: Rod…