The ultimate heat-generating, blogaroo-friendly, 10-day award-season gathering kicks off tonight — Nick the Gr…sorry, Roger Durling‘s Santa Barbara Film Festival. Tonight’s opening event (kicking off at 8 pm) is a Modern Master award tribute for Denzel Washington, whose recent SAG win suggested that Casey Affleck‘s fait accompli Best Actor Oscar might not be a fait accoimpli.
Could Denzel snatch it? I kinda doubt it but maybe. I suspect the SAG thing was an anomaly, but you tell me.
Hollywood Elsewhere drove up yesterday via the scenic coastal route, which took 150 minutes or so but was well worth it. I’m bunking in room #236 at the Fess Parker Doubletree, and incidentally coping with a cold — Vitamin C carpet bombing, antihistamines, Alka Seltzer daytime, Vitamin B-12 shot at 5 pm.

Taken from room #236 at Fess Parker Doubletree — Wednesday, 2.1, 6:45 pm.