Over the last few weeks I somehow managed to miss three Manhattan press screenings of Jon S. Baird‘s Stan & Ollie. I have another one late Monday afternoon, and I’m determined to attend this time. This trailer underlines what all the critics have been saying, which is that the performances by Steve Coogan and John C. Reilly are worth the price.
Sony Pictures Classics will open Stan & Ollie on 12.28 in New York and Los Angeles.
“By the time of the touching conclusion, one has come to like and care about these sweet old guys a good deal. Everything the film has to offer is obvious and on the surface, its pleasures simple and sincere under the attentive guidance of director Jon S. Baird; these good men have their differences but well understand that whatever they might have accomplished individually would never have remotely equaled what they were able to do together. This is clear from the fact that, after Hardy’s death, Laurel never acted again despite many offers, even if he did continue to write.” — from Todd McCarthy’s 10.21 Hollywood Reporter review.