Awards Circuit‘s Joey Magidson has posted reactions to last night’s War Horse hinterlands screenings, and only two haters have popped up so far. Most of the reactions to the 146-minute film have been highly positive so maybe it’s pretty good after all.

The best positive review is from @emailjnm: “This was a masterpiece. This should be one of the top two or three during Oscar season. All the hype we were hoping for was well-deserved. Outside of the first 30 minutes being a tad ‘eh,’ the rest of the film is the best I’ve seen [from] Spielberg in years. Some of the greatest scenes I’ve seen in his career. I’m going to go as far as to say that it’s my second favorite Spielberg film after Schindler’s List.

“Truly exceptional. Do see it. Walked out of cinema into the falling snow…lovely!” (from @raeofdawn…but what’s falling snow got to do with anything? Unreliable viewer, too impressionable).

“Fantastic, awesome, a must-see” (from @PensNucksDenver — any person who uses “fantastic” and “awesome” in the same sentence or word group is clearly lacking in discipline and discrimination).

“Holy double-hell, War Horse is freakin’ amazing!” (from @ScoreKeeperAICN….”holy double hell”? Did he actually mean to say “ding-dang, deedly-dee, deedly-doo jiminy creepin’ hotcakes with hot butter and maple syrup!”? Possibly a fool for Spielberg or a low-thread-counter, or both.)

From Hater #1 (@2denniskelly): “Am I the only person who basically hated War Horse? It was nothing more than manipulative and predictable Oscar bait. Move along.”

From Hater #2 (@guany): “This was AWFUL. Nothing but Oscar bait. I’m very disappointed.”