Apart from the fact that I’ve pretty much had it with whiny, wet-behind-the-ears combatants (“I don’t belong here”) in the odious tradition of Fury‘s Logan Lerman, Fernando Coimbra and Chris Roessner‘s Sand Castle might not be half bad. It has a vibe. Nicholas Hoult‘s Matt Oucre trying to get out of combat by slamming a car door on his hand…engaging! Henry Cavill (i.e., Superman) feels right as Cpt. Syerson, and the buzz cut works. Roessner’s original screenplay is based on his own experience in Iraq. Did anyone see Coimbra’s Wolf At The Door? I didn’t but I read good things. (Coimbra also directed episodes from the first season of Netflix’s Narcos.) Keep in mind that the title is singular — Sand Castle and not Castles.