I just finished a 15-minute phoner with 127 Hours director Danny Boyle, who was calling from London. There’s always a feeling of vigor and relish in Boyle’s voice — a general mood of “can’t wait” (or “couldn’t wait”) excitement. We covered several topics. I was telling him that my general impression of the film, looking back a week or so, is one of sensual delight — it’s full of explosive color (sandy ambers, reds, blues, browns) and ripe with aromas, secretions, tastings. And is nothing if not emotionally intense each step of the way.

And “the act,” I told him, isn’t quite as rough as I anticipated.

As we were talking I began looking up this and that video regarding the experience of Aron Ralston, the hiker-wanderer whom James Franco portrays in the film (Fox Searchlight, 11.5). I came upon the above, which I’d never seen before today. I don’t know whether to recommend watching it before or after seeing 127 Hours, but it’s quite a piece.