I somehow doubt that Michael Moore‘s forthcoming anti-Trump doc, Fahrenheit 11/9, will shake up or double-clarify perceptions of the deranged Trump circus. I say this as a staunch fan and ally of nearly every Moore viewpoint and documentary going back to Roger and Me, but what can he say or show that isn’t on the web and cable news every day?
What half-reasonable person could possibly support this unhinged authoritarian orangutan at this stage of the game, post-Comey firing and sharing of hush-hush intelligence with the Russians plus the just-revealed Comey memo about Trump asking him to shut down investigations of former national security adviser Michael Flynn? And yet a third of the country does. Because Trump is the only thing standing between them and the multicultural lefties, and that, to rural nutters and dumbshits, is the primal thing. White rule is on the ropes, and they don’t want to know or hear anything else.
Fahrenheit 11/9 will most likely illuminate and confirm what sane people already think, and yes, it’s conceivable that the the content might help to weaken support among Trump’s “soft” supporters, but the crazies are immovable.
Moore has himself acknowledged this problem in a press-release statement about Fahrenheit 11/9, which Bob and Harvey Weinstein‘s Fellowship Adventure Group will release, presumably later this year.
“No matter what you throw at him, it hasn’t worked,” Moore said about Trump. “No matter what is revealed, he remains standing. Facts, reality, brains cannot defeat him. Even when he commits a self-inflicted wound, he gets up the next morning and keeps going and tweeting.” And yet, Moore insisted, “That all ends with this movie.”
Fine — maybe it will on some level. I just can’t imagine how. A documentary can’t hope to reach these loons. They’re over the waterfall and don’t give a damn.