A newly restored print of Warren Beatty‘s Reds (’81) is going to be screened at the N.Y. Film Festival in late September, presumably with Beatty dropping by for a post-screening q & a. And then Paramount Home Video is releasing this spruced-up version as a 25th Anniversary DVD on 10.3.

The Amazon page doesn’t say if Beatty recorded a narration track or participated in a retrospective documentary, which would be par for the course for a DVD of this sort. (The Paramount Home Video folks didn’t know about this, Beatty biographer Peter Biskind didn’t know anything either and Beatty wasn’t around when I called.)
Martin Blythe, the p.r. go-to guy at Paramount Home Video until ’04 or thereabouts, told me five or six years ago that Reds had been remastered and looked great (a superb-looking version showed at the San Francisco Film Festival four years ago) but the hang-up was getting Beatty to record a narration track and/or participate in a DVD documentary…which I know he’s been loathe to do previously.