I just paid $65 dollars — unwisely, foolishly — for a copy of Twilight Time’s Moby-Dick Bluray, which represents an eight-month-long restoration to recreate director John Huston and dp Oswald Morris‘s carefully desaturated color scheme. From Julie Kirgo’s essay “Restoring Moby-Dick’s “Wind-Blanched Color”: “Morris and Huston [sought] to replicate 19th century whaling prints. This look was processed only in the Technicolor prints and not in the film negative. The result worked as a brighter and desaturated look with a warm tone, almost like tinting of a silent film.” DVD Beaver‘s Gary Tooze says the visuals are “reasonable but not overwhelming on digital…[the film] can still look rough at times but there are some incredibly well-textured visuals as well. The look is wholly unique. The appearance was an intentional gambit by the filmmakers. It frequently looks like a gorgeously rich painting. I loved my viewing. This Bluray gives as a good presentation as you are likely to find.” The 1956 film is presented in its original 1.66:1 aspect ratio.