Speaking as an all-but-bulletproof mask-wearer and frequent hand washer, I don’t feel good about quoting a conservative columnist who spoke hatefully about gay people back in the ’90s. But this passage moved me:

“All this unquantifiable speculative social intervention [is being done] in the name of that small proportion of people who are known to be, in truth, the only ones in real danger from the virus.

“So as someone who just about counts, because of my age, as one of those being protected by everybody else’s sacrifices, I assume the moral right to say this: please don’t. Don’t give up the freedoms and the opportunities that are proper to your stage of life for my sake, and do not go meekly into imprisonment to which the government has sentenced you.” — conservative Telegraph columnist Janet Daley.

By the way: Colorado’s San Miguel County, to which Telluride belongs, has suffered no COVID-19 deaths, and yet 28 county residents are currently infected. 28! Worse, a 17 year-old male from the Telluride community began to experience COVID-19 related symptoms on Saturday, 6.13, and subsequently tested positive. Sound the general alarm.

It’s probably a good idea for old people (65-plus), sickly people, coughers, folks with vitamin D deficiencies, obese people, bipeds with respiratory issues (especially smokers) and generally sires of wimpy gene pools to think twice about attending the 2020 Telluride Film Festival. Obviously the herd is being thinned. But life must go on.