Yesterday I tried cancelling my Airbnb rental for the Cannes Film Festival, which will probably be the next domino to fall. The guy didn’t respond, and now I’m thinking I may have to appeal to Airbnb corporate. COV-19 and the attendant freakouts are a “force majeure” element that should be accepted as a valid reason to withdraw from an apartment rental.

Instead of a mid-April debut, No Time To Die will now open in the U.S. on 11.25.20. (11.12 in England.) Wiki excerpt: “On 4 March 2020, MGM and Eon Productions announced that ‘following careful consideration and thorough evaluation of the global theatrical marketplace’ due to the coronavirus, they had postponed the theatrical release of No Time to Die until 12 November 2020 in the UK and 25 November 2020 in the US.”