The Boulder shooter who perpetrated the King Soopers grocery store slaughter has been identified as a 21-year-old Syrian guy named Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa.

A recent media + Twitter narrative, which the facts in last week’s Atlanta massage-parlor shootings don’t seem to support so far, has been “mobilize against racial hate, especially in the matter of venal white guys”, as indeed we all should in every way possible. But the Boulder tragedy doesn’t fall in line with this.

I am a moderate left-centrist and therefore not a Daily Wire rightie, but this 3.23 story, reported by DW‘s Asche Schow, is a more honest account of what’s been happening since Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa was identified as the shooter than anything you’ll read in the N.Y. Times or the Daily Beast. or via woke Twitter.

N.Y. Times excerpt: “The police in Arvada, Colorado, said they had two encounters in 2018 with the suspect, identified on Tuesday as Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa — one on a report of third-degree assault and one of criminal mischief. It is not clear if he was convicted of a crime.

“Court records show Alissa was born in Syria in 1999, as did a Facebook page that appeared to belong to the suspect, giving his name as Ahmad Al Issa; the page was taken down within an hour of his name being released by the authorities. Michael Dougherty, the Boulder County district attorney, said the suspect had ‘lived most of his life in the United States.'”

“The Facebook page said he went to Arvada West High School, where he was a wrestler, and listed wrestling and kickboxing as being among his interests. Many of the posts were about martial arts, and one, in 2019, said simply, “#NeedAGirlfriend.”

Honest HE reaction after looking at photo of alleged assailant (w/ bleeding leg wound) being led away by police: This is a 21 year-old? Look at him — overweight, pot-bellied, rapidly thinning hair if not balding, bearded. He looks 38 if a day.