DVD Beaver‘s Gary W. Tooze has seen Warner Home Video’s Shane Bluray (streeting on 8.13) and says the following: “Having seen [the] DVD version of Shane probably a dozen times, the new 1080p image really jumps out for me. Not knowing what it looked like theatrically [in 1953], I can only say that I’m very pleased with this appearance. It’s clean [and] colors are very bright [although] some of the indoor and night sequences are a shade dark. Skin tones are warm. There is more information in the frame on all four edges [compared to the DVD] and it’s nice to see some of the original grain in the backgrounds. Incredibly deep black levels at times — almost moiring. I’m seeing some very minor edge-enhancement if I zoom in far enough. Overall I was mesmerized by the areas of improvement over the [2000 DVD].”

““For the first time I noticed the reddish-violet markings on the pearl-white hand grip on Jack Palance‘s six-shooters.” — from my 4.28.13 review of the restored Shane at the TCM Classic Film Festival.

“It was drop-to-your-knees — the most beautiful rendering I’ve ever seen of this 1953 classic. It was like seeing it new and fresh all over again. It was almost like being there on the set. The detail was to die for.” — from my 4.28.13 review.