Last night’s National Geographic special about James Cameron and an elite team of investigators updating the forensics on the Titanic disaster was pretty good. Here’s an updated video that the special concluded with — a more knowledgable and accurate rendering of how the sinking happened than the animated video shown in the 1996 film, which was based, of course, on what Cameron and his team believed at the time. (And now they know better.)

Oh, and by the way…

“One of the founding manifestos of hater culture, Titanic came out just as the internet was starting to rise up and merge into the ocean of our lives, and though, at that point, most of the hate directed at the movie was conversational and anecdotal, in spirit it was computer-viral. It was about fragments of resentment banding together and organizing themselves into a cult, a movement, an anti-fan club. It was Occupy James Cameron’s Unspeakable Dialogue.

“What gave the movement its motivating force? What made the fragments band together like angry iron filings? If Titanic was one of the original lightning rods for hater culture, part of the reason that the film made such a perfect target is that what the haters were really attacking wasn’t ‘bad dialogue’ so much as a huge, powerful, ambitious movie, by a geek-god filmmaker, that actually dared to be innocent about love. For if there’s one thing that Internet culture, with its immersion in hipness, control, technology, and a certain masculine mystique that binds all those things together, cannot abide, it is romantic innocence. It can’t abide the feminine spirit entering into the machine.

“And that’s the essence of what Titanic was. It was a movie that found love in the machine, even as the machine was destroyed. No wonder the haters hated it. Their real identification was with the machine. They didn’t want to see a movie in which the heart — but not the ship — goes on.” — from Owen Gleiberman’s EW piece about how Titanic gave rise to hater culture.