I absolutely agree that video stores, which are all but dead these days, improve a neighborhood’s atmosphere. An organic video store is as beneficial to an urban culture as an opera house, a nursery school, a storied cafe or hardware store. And so Annapurna producer Megan Ellison has therefore done a wonderful thing in helping to save Vidiots, the Pico Blvd. video store that’s been running since the mid ’80s. It was announced yesterday that Ellison has come to the assistance of co-owner Cathy Tauber, who had announced that Vidiots would close in April. That aside, I’ve had an attitude about Vidiots since something that happened in the late ’80s or early ’90s. I had rented a VHS of The Wizard of Oz and then lost the tape. Vidiots had sent me notices but I could’t find it. When it finally turned up weeks later they said I needed to pay them almost $200 in back rental fees. I thought it would be fair to charge me for the cost of the tape itself, which back then was in the neighborhood of $75 bills. (Less?) But no way was I going to pay them $190-something dollars. So we parted company and that was that. I’ve wandered into Vidiots five or six times since, but the vibe always seemed stuck in the ’80s with all those VHS tapes sitting on those highly-stacked shelves. The #1 rule applying to each and every business: “Adapt or die.”