Last night Buzzfeed‘s Mathew Zeitlin reported on another embarrassing Sony hack email exchange, this one involving Sony honcho Amy Pascal, her husband Bernie Weinraub and N.Y. Times columnist Maureen Dowd. The hacked e-mails indicate that Dowd allowed Weinraub to read a work-in-progress, not-yet-published column (which ran on 3.4.14) that flatteringly profiled Pascal. In an email to Weinraub, Pascal said she was fearful about how she might appear in the column and asked Weinraub to intercede — “I’M NOT TALKING TO HER IF SHE IS GONNA SLAM ME…PLEASE FIND OUT.” Weinraub emphasized to his wife that “you can’t tell a single person that I’m seeing the column before it’s printedit’s not done…no p.r. people or Lynton or anyone should know.” When Zeitlin asked Weinraub for a comment yesterday, the former N.Y. Times movie-beat reporter wrote back, deer-in-headlights style, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Dowd has supplied the following statement: “I never showed Bernie the column in advance or promised to show it. Bernie is an old friend and the Times’ former Hollywood reporter, and he sometimes gives me ideas for entertainment columns. In January [’14] he suggested a column, inspired by a study cited in the L.A. Times about the state of women in Hollywood. Amy is a friend and I reassured her before our interview that it wasn’t an antagonistic piece. She wasn’t the focus of the story, nor was Sony. I emailed with Bernie and talked to him before I wrote the column in March, getting his perspective on the Hollywood old boys’ club and the progress of women. But I didn’t send him the column beforehand.” Which of course contradicts Weinraub’s e-mail to Pascal that says “I’m seeing the column before it’s printed.” So Weinraub was fibbing?