“If the New Hampshire Democratic primary were held today, Sen. Barack Obama would be in a statistical dead heat with New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, according to a new Concord Monitor poll. Last month, a Monitor poll showed Clinton trouncing her opponents, with Obama lagging 23 points behind.
“Although Clinton commands considerable support among likely Democratic primary voters, she struggles in general election match-ups, according to the poll. If the contest were held today, both Arizona Sen. John McCain and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani would prevail over Clinton. Obama, in contrast, would eke out a slight win over both Republican candidates. Former Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards is neck-and-neck with the Republicans.
“There are a lot of independents. These are the same people who loathe Bush, loathe the Iraq war,” said Del Ali, president of Research 2000, the Maryland-based nonpartisan polling firm that conducted the poll for the Monitor last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. “But deep down, they don’t like Hillary Clinton.”