“For the Republicans who have fallen in line with him…I don’t understand that. It’s a disgrace. It’s beyond a disgrace. Shame on them. Shame on all of them. They’ve lost, to me, all reason. They have an obligation and a duty to stand up to this guy…”

“I know I live in New York and I’m living in a certain world. It’s not out there in the Midwest and other parts of the country. But there’s right and there’s wrong. I know when I see what’s being done, that’s wrong. And those people are supposed to represent us and they are supposed to know and stand up for what’s right in the country and they’re not doing that.”

“[Kevin] McCarthy, Lindsey Graham. Shame on them. What are their families, what are their grandkids — if they have any, I don’t know — but it’s it’s it’s awful.” — Robert De Niro, excerpted from episode 4 of “Rumble with Michael Moore.” The good stuff starts around the 6:30 mark.

De Niro: “The only thing [Trump has] done, the only contribution I see that he’s given to this country and the world is that he’s taught us that we can never allow it to happen again.”

HE to De Niro: In all honesty, if fair-minded humanists and Democrats want to make sure that a Trump-like figure never happens again, never again nominate an elite, well-honeyed, insulated, baggy-eyed, obviously non-charismatic person like Hillary Clinton to be president. Trump wasn’t elected because he seemed like such a wonderful guy — he was elected in part because the bumblefucks hated Hillary.