N.Y. Times media columnist David Carr considers the recent disappearance of all them film crickets — Newsday‘s Gene Seymour and Jan Stuart, the Village Voice‘s Nathan Lee, Newsweek‘s David Ansen plus critics “at more than a dozen daily newspapers (including those in Denver, Tampa and Fort Lauderdale) and several alternative weeklies who have been laid off, reassigned or bought out in the past few years, deemed expendable at a time when revenues at print publications are declining,” etc.
Carr quotes Defamer/Reeler columnist Stu VanAirsdale, MCN’s David Poland, Entertainment Weekly critic Owen Gleiberman, Sony Classics co-chief Michael Barker, Village Voice executive editor Michael Lacey, ThinkFilm’s Mark Urman, etc.
“Given that movie blogs are strewn about the web like popcorn on a theater floor, there are those who say that movie criticism is not going away, it’s just appearing on a different platform,” Carr writes. “And no one would argue that fewer critics and the adjectives they hurl would imperil the opening of Iron Man in May. But for a certain kind of movie, critical accolades can mean the difference between relevance and obscurity, not to mention box office success or failure.”
And for certain kinds of readers, critical huzzahs will never be fully real unless…I’m tired of saying it.