Lionsgate’s arty new one-sheet for Lee DanielsPrecious (11.6), which HitFix’s Gregory Ellwood exclusively revealed this morning, is stylish and striking — a visual hint that Precious isn’t up to the usual-usual. It tells you it’s a film that comes to grips and flexes artistic muscle.

Gabourey Sidibe

The silhouette figure is a slight cheat. I presume it’s meant to be Gabourey Sidibe , the morbidly obese young girl who plays Precious, but the silhouette is of a woman who should probably be described, in all fairness, as simply large or overweight. I’m just saying.

I just watched the trailer again and as much as the film touched me when I saw it in Cannes I don’t know if want to see it again. That is, I don’t know if I can take more hangin’ time with Mo ‘Nnique’s mother-from-hell character. She’ll almost certainly be nominated for Best Supporting Actress, but “the pleasure of her company” is not a term that comes to mind. What comes to mind, in all honesty, is that spending time with a person this deplorale and abusive is an unpleasant thing no matter you slice it. Except Mo ‘Nique really knocks it out of the park in her final confession scene.