The word is out among lightweight “entertainment”-seekers everywhere — don’t go see Greenberg! Too well reviewed (the highest-rated opener at Rotten Tomatoes), too smart, too psychologically recognizable, too neurotic, etc. It was in the low 80s earlier today, and is now sitting at 74 thanks to naysayers Kyle Smith, Katey Rich, Nick Schager, Mary F. Pols, Stephen Whitty, Betsy Sharkey, etc.

Whitty calls Ben Stiller‘s Greenberg “a nasty neurotic” and Greta Gerwig‘s Florence “a passive victim,” and adds, “If you’re looking for someone to identify with — well, pray you don’t find one here.” I didn’t identify with Greenberg, but I recognized him. And anyone who’s met a guy like this will recognize that Stiller gives a ballsy, dead-on performance. I for one loved some of his bits and lines. His irritation at a guy shrieking with laughter at a nearby table at Musso and Frank, for one. I’ve felt the exact same way a few times, and no character in any film I’ve ever seen has provided any sort of validation…until now.