U.S. News political analyst Michael Barone “took a Washington Post-ABC Poll showing Hillary Clinton with a seven-point lead in Ohio and tried to figure out what that would mean in terms of the delegate breakdown,” reports the Cincinatti Enquirer‘s Howard Wilkinson.
“He concluded that if Clinton won Ohio by seven percentage points, she’d probably end up with only nine more delegates here than Barack Obama — not enough to cut significantly into Obama’s lead in the delegate count.”
And yet John C. Green, a political scientist at the University of Akron, said that “while a Clinton win by a small margin might not do her much good in the race for delegates, it could make it possible for her to carry on her struggling campaign. ‘She gets a psychological boost, but it wouldn√ɬ¢√¢‚Äö¬¨√¢‚Äû¬¢t make much difference in the overall delegate count,’ said Green. ‘You’d really have to blow the other candidate out of the water to get a delegate advantage in Ohio.'”