An email from Down Under’s Mark Sheridan reads as follows: “I saw your blog briefly on Australian TV yesterday [in a piece about] a US news story about the backlash against Jennifer Lawrence‘s body shape in The Hunger Games. They used your ‘big-boned lady‘ quote from your review of the film.”

I’ve tried re-posting what I actually said and meant and nobody cares. What should I do, just give up and plead guilty? I merely said that Lawrence doesn’t have a toothpick frame (which is obvious) and that she’s physically bigger than costar Josh Hutcherson (which ahe absolutely is). You know what? To hell with it. Once these simplistic stories take off nobody wants to read the original — they just accept the copied quotes and ignore the source.

Yesterday Chicago Sun Times columnist Bill Zwecker passed along Lawrence’s alleged reaction to certain comments about her physique, which came to him second-hand:

“A source close to the actress told me Sunday that the Oscar nominee had a sarcastic reaction to some of the critics,” he wrote. “‘This is hilarious,’ Lawrence has allegedly said. ‘First, people say how so many actresses in Hollywood look anorexic, and now they are criticizing me for looking normal.’ She reportedly added that overly thin body images ‘are too often adopted by young girls and women — thanks to what they are constantly being shown as being attractive.'”

In a related development, Kate Winslet (once allegedly referred to as “Kate weighs-a-lot” during her youth in the mid ’90s) has said that Leonardo DiCaprio has gotten “fatter” since they made Titanic 15 years ago.