I’m posting this without comment, but this morning Buzzfeed’s Adam B. Vary posted “The Complete Annotated Oscar Nominees Class Photo,” which provided some commentary about some of the Oscar nominees who posed for a big wide group shot on Monday, 2.4, following the Oscar nominees luncheon. Vary was either there or he had a source who was. In any event he reports the following:

“Getting all the nominees onto the risers [i.e., six bleacher-seating amphitheatre platforms] was a long, long process. One by one their names were called out, and the room applauded as they came forward, shook Academy President Hawk Koch‘s hand, and took their places. The risers were loaded in roughly from the top to the bottom, meaning those placed on the top had to stand in place for around a half-hour while the full class assembled.

“There was one man who did not have to stand in place, however: The penultimate name called was that of Lincoln producer and director Steven Spielberg, the closest thing Hollywood has to a godfather these days, who gamely rose from the comfort of his table and was squeezed in on the end of the second row.

“A big theme of this Oscar season, which of late has been dominated by the Argo comeback, is how director Ben Affleck has come across as modest, self-effacing, and gracious, compared with Spielberg, access to whom is strictly controlled and whose operation smacks to some of high-handedness. In the case of the Oscar class photo, it should be noted that Affleck, in comparison to Spielberg’s last minute walk-on, was one of the very first called and stood in position the entire half-hour at the top of the bleachers, smiling happily.”

‘Nuff said?