For Jennifer Aniston, “The Break-Up follows a terrible professional run. In the last year she has appeared in two high-profile movies — the disappointing thriller Derailed and the stink-bomb comedy Rumor Has It — and the smaller Friends With Money, in which she was the least convincing member of an ensemble. The characters in these films are wildly different, but Ms. Aniston’s performance isn’t. She projects the same high-maintenance Jennifer Aniston style — the trademark sleek hair, the natural-looking makeup, the body so toned you wonder how many hours a day a person can spend with a trainer. [Plus] she exudes coolness and self-possession even when the part calls for warmth or vulnerability. She did warm and vulnerable winningly in the cult movie Office Space (1999). But lately all her characters uncomfortably resemble the one who made her rich and famous, the feather-brained Rachel on Friends, who thought being pretty was her full-time job. It’s as if she has substituted a movie-star pose for acting.” — Caryn James on Aniston’s career slump in the 6.5.05 N.Y. Times.