Bus stop poster on Hollywood Way just outside Burbank Airport — Monday, 6.5.06, 9:05 pm.

Landed in Burbank’s Bob Hope Airport last night around 8:10 pm, and the first movie image to catch my eye — at a bus stop on Hollywood Way — was the chick-flicky one-sheet for Superman Returns. This is the best poster image WB marketers have come up with for this film yet. If I were gay or female I could see being really intrigued, but it has a cross-gender pull. It should have been the teaser poster way back when. The first Superman Returns junket screenings begin later this week, so there’s no reading how well the chick-flick angle plays but there would be irony, surely, if it winds up connecting with more females than Warner Bros.’s The Lake House (6.16), which is clearly more of an overt appeal to the XX quadrant. I’m wondering because of the rumble over this one, but let’s hold off on that for now.