It seemed to me that Sony Classics’ classy, upmarket ads and trailers for Bennett Miller‘s Foxcatcher were having a limited effect. But the coarse, mass-market cartoon-ization of Foxcatcher (this four-day-old trailer, that poster for Tom Shadyac‘s Foxcatcher) has struck some kind of chord, and suddenly this somewhat gloomy, unquestionably well-made melodrama seems to be “happening” in the same way that There Will Be Blood began to “happen” when mp3s of “I drink your milkshake” were heard over and over. If Sony Classics’ marketers were bold, they would create a new stop-motion “animated” teaser of their own that makes some kind of metaphorical use of foxes, badgers, weasels, etc. You know something is happening here but you’re not quite sure what to do with it, are you, Mr. Pirrone? Does George Orwell‘s “Animal Farm” ring a bell?