I caught a film late yesterday afternoon that I need to maintain silence about until tomorrow morning. But it turned me around so I texted a couple of people about my feelings when I emerged, and then I went into the Orange Cafe to fiddle around and ran into Awards Daily ‘s Sasha Stone. We subsequently met Inside Job co-cinematographer Svetlana Cvetko and editor-screenwriter David Scott Smith for a nice noisy dinner around 9:30 pm.

A Robin des Bois fireworks display on the Majestic pier — 5.12, 10:55 pm.

Washington Post critic Ann Hornaday, I learned, had suffered a technological trauma in the late morning when her computer suffered a fatal seizure. Tough breaks add to the stress…I’m sorry. A new hard drive is being installed, or something along those lines.

And then I scooted off to the Robin Hood party, which was lavishly catered and very nice except for two belligerent security guys who wouldn’t let me in because I had a big camera slung around my neck. A Universal publicist gently but forcefully interceded — thanks much! Inside I chatted with L.A. Times columnist Pete Hammond and Fox co-chairman Jim Gianopulos. And then nature called and I learned soon after that the party didn’t have facilities to help guests deal with such matters. So I walked out to a deserted area of the beach about 50 yards to the west. And then the security guy wouldn’t let me back in even though I had an all-access pass. That’s when I knew it was time to pack it in.

Every year I fantasize about being motor-boated out to one of the ships in the bay and having drinks or dinner on-board. It’ll probably never happen.

Late yesterday afternoon at the American Pavilion (photo by Sasha Stone).