I’m not saying the subtitles are incorrect but how did everybody discern what Lindsay Lohan was saying to her attorney during her umpteenth court appearance two days ago? Lip reading? She looks as if she’s probably saying this stuff, okay, but you can only hear the faintest of whispers.

The presumption is that Lohan will be dead by the time she’s 30 or thereabouts. The downside is that she’s only 26 (27 in July) so we may be stuck watching Lilo-in-court TMZ clips for the next three years and perhaps longer.

Slow suicides can take a long time. Usually because the slow suiciders are somewhere between not that dedicated and ambivalent. It took Montgomery Clift ten years from the time of his 5.12.56 auto accident to his drug-related death on 7.22.66 . But then Lohan isn’t behaving and self-destructing like Clift as much as following the standard whoo-hoo-party-on path taken by innumerable rock stars as well as roly-poly wild men like John Belushi and Chris Farley.

Lohan may live into her mid 30s or so, but she surely died a spiritual death after the premiere of Liz and Dick. It would be nice if she at least modestly scores in Paul Schrader‘s The Canyons, but the word on that one, let’s face it, hasn’t been good.