13 years ago Forbes magazine asked three critics (Richard Roeper, Neil Rosen, Jeffrey Lyons) “which are the ten best films ever made about money?”

What a question! Aren’t 70% to 80% of all the films ever made in one way or another about people trying to make, steal, hold onto or somehow get hold of more money?

The ten that Rosen, Roeper and Lyons chose suggest their real criteria was choosing the best movies about the corrosive effects of greed: Wall Street, Trading Places (what?), The Sting, Boiler Room, Ocean’s Eleven (’60 version), It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, Casino, Glengarry Glen Ross, The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre (good choice) and American Psycho (another good one).

HE’s top 13 as of right now: The Wolf of Wall Street, A Simple Plan, Glengarry Glen Ross, The Treasure of Sierra Madre, L’eclisse, Wall Street, There Will Be Blood, Inside Job, The Big Short, Margin Call, Capitalism: A Love Story, The Queen of Versailles and Eric Von Stroheim‘s Greed.