It was seven years ago when Kristen Stewart and her Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders were spotted getting hot and heavy in a parked car. This was while she was hooked up with Robert Pattinson (aka “Rpatz” and more recently “RBatz“). FLASH! Yesterday Stewart told Howard Stern that she and Sanders, who was married at the time, never actually “did the deed” and only, like, “kissed.”
“I did not fuck him,” Stewart declared. “This is like the most candid interview. No, I didn’t fuck him.” Why didn’t she clarify matters after getting busted in the press? “Well, who’s going to believe me? It doesn’t even matter. It looked like…you know, you make out with a dude in public, it definitely looks like you did [slam ham].”
If you’ve ever been in a smoking hot extra-marital affair in which the seams of your jeans are close to splitting open, you know that things get very touchy-grabby when you make out in a car and that “kissing” is never the end of it. Stewart told Stern that the affair was “not innocent,” whatever that implies.