Hey, this Robert Koehler Variety review of Richard Donner‘s 16 Blocks (Warner Bros., 3.3) makes it sound pretty good. “The last chance of an aging cop” — Bruce Willis — “to redeem his soured existence provides the sturdy frame…closer to a compact film noir than to the many gimmicky entertainments of [Donner’s] past…not up to the level of Sidney Lumet‘s Gotham police pics, [but] it does raise the banner for the tradition of the textured urban cop drama…told mostly in real time, pic sticks to its guns as a spare account of how a routine transport of a witness to a courtroom turns into a chaotic cat-and-mouse chase, with police criminality at its core…Willis playing a worn-out cop will present commercial challenges in snaring a youth-oriented opening weekend crowd, but vid should pick up the slack.”