Hollywood Wiretap is linking to JoBlo.com’s 6/12 posting that Paramount Pictures has bumped David Fincher‘s Zodiac out of its previous mid-to-late November slot to January 2007, even though I reported evidence of this date change three days ago (i.e., Sunday, 6.11). I’ve since been told by Paramount publicity that the Zodiac bump was decided upon months ago, even though right now the IMDB still has it listed as an 11.22.06 release. This is a long and ambitious real-life whodunit with quality-level actors (Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey, Chloe Sevigny) that screams “fall or holiday release.” Okay, it has additional shooting scheduled, but it’s only mid-June with six and a half months to go before December 31st. There’s simply no reason to bump a movie of this calibre out of the fall or year-end release sked unless the studio has determined that (a) critical support might be spotty or (b) it’s not enough of an “audience film”. (Traditionalists might have issues with a period drama about chasing a serial killer who doesn’t get caught or face the music in any significant way at the finale.) Paramount is obviously feeling qualms of some kind, and I’m betting there are a lot of disap- pointed fans out there. I’ve read the script and written a piece about it. I can’t see how it wouldn’t be some kind of fascinating, high-quality ride, given the Fincher sensibility and all. How much of an uncommercial mixed bag can it be?