Imagine being a late-teen or 20something Tennessee resident who can’t be bothered to register to vote in the midterms. Which strikes me as a fairly despicable attitude, all things considered. Now imagine this same person deciding to suddenly register to vote because of Taylor Swift announcing her support of Democratic candidates Phil Bredesen and Jim Cooper, who are respectively running for the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives.

Imagine being that vacuous, that indifferent, that uninterested in the realities of Trumpism and how the world works. Imagine turning yourself around like that because Taylor effing Swift suggested it.

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” — Winston Churchill.

From a 10.9 Guardian story by Laura Snapes: “Of the 5,183 voter registrations in Tennessee this month, at least 2,144 occurred after Swift posted her statement to Instagram on Sunday, said Guthrie. The state’s deadline for voter registration is today, 9 October, which may also have contributed to the rush. There were 2,811 new Tennessee voter registrations in September.”