Yesterday I asked Jett, who knows the music industry and works for a music distribution company called Believe Digital, what he thinks of Sufjan Stevens, St. Vincent, Chris Thile, Casey Foubert and James McCallister performing “Mystery of Love” as an ensemble on tonight’s Oscar telecast.

Jett: “St. Vincent playing with Sufjan is cooler, to be honest, than Sufjan alone. Sufjan and St. Vincent are beautiful indie performers at the top of their games. Nice indie tandem to make the Oscars feel a little less stiff.”

HE: “What about Thile, Foubert and McCallister? What do they bring to the table, and who among them is your favorite? And why?”

Jett: “I don’t know the others all that well. Not the same star power. St. Vincent is my favorite from her earlier albums. I listened to her a lot when I was at Syracuse and post-college. Savage live performer. Love Sufjan too but for different reasons. He’s my generation’s less depressing Eliott Smith.”

HE: “You’re hazy on Thiel, Foubert and McAllister? But you’re a music guy. You know the industry.”

Jett: “They’re not big artists. They’re performers. Difference.”