I didn’t even watch the Indiana Jones DVD box set that came out in October 2003, so you can bet your ass I never would’ve paid for a limited deluxe “Indiana Jones Trilogy” DVD~set inside a “leather-bound box with additional deleted scenes, making-of docs, two large trade paperbacks and several CDs worth of John Williams’ scoring”…no effin’ way. But had this package been released I would have probably tried to score a freebie from Paramount Home Video or, failing that, tried to convince my homies at West L.A.’s Laser Blazer to let me rent one for a weekend. In any case, this is a good rant by Cinematical’s Mark Beall because…well, in his own words: “You are now looking at your piddly little boxed set with scorn and contempt, once again hating George Lucas and his fan-destroying DVD marketing. I wouldn’t fret if I were you, though, this [October 2003] set has double-dipping all OVER it, which means you’ll probably be able to pay another large chunk of cash for what you should have been able to buy the first time around.”