The Social Network “is shrewdly perceptive about such things as class, manners, ethics, and the emptying out of self that accompanies a genius’s absorption in his work. It has the hard-charging excitement of a very recent revolution, the surge and sweep of big money moving fast and chewing people up in its wake.

“From the first scene to the last, the film hints at a psychological shift produced by the Information Age, a new impersonality that affects almost everyone. After all, Facebook, like Mark Zuckerberg, is a paradox: a website that celebrates the aura of intimacy while providing the relief of distance, substituting bodiless sharing and the thrills of self-created celebrityhood for close encounters of the first kind.

“Karl Marx suggested that, in the capitalist age, we began to treat one another as commodities. The Social Network suggests that we now treat one another as packets of information. Zuckerberg, as interpreted by this film, comes off as a binary personality. As far as he’s concerned, either you’re for him or you’re against him. Either you have information that he can use or you don’t. Apart from that, he’s not interested.” — written four and a half months ago by New Yorker critic David Denby.

This had to be posted one last time, and I don’t care if anyone comments. The game is over either way.