I’ve been searching around for a few reviews of John Madden‘s Killshot, which opened in five Arizona theatres last Friday (1.23). But all I can find is one by the Arizona Republic‘s Bill Goodykoontz. I was hoping to at least find a review by the Arizona Star‘s Phil Villarreal, but no dice.

Why can’t the Weinstein Co. at least hand out screeners of this film, for critics who ask to see them? Like me. Goodykoontz says it isn’t too bad, so why not? I’ll tell you why not. Killshot isn’t being distributed by the Weinstein Co. Not in Arizona, it isn’t.

An email sent to Arizona critics on 1.21.09 by Allied Advertising & Public Relations’ Jessica Sotelo (and forwarded to me) stated that “Killshot starring Diane Lane and Mickey Rourke is being distributed under the Third Rail Release and NOT The Weinstein Company. Please make any updates/corrections on this with your reviews/opening mentions.”